Group Company Secretary job description
If you’re looking to hire a Group Company Secretary, this job description template is designed to help easily define the key responsibilities and qualifications required for this important role. This template provides a clear framework to attract the best candidates with the right skills and experience, streamlining your recruitment process and ensuring accuracy.
Job description template
Reporting Line: CEO / CFO / Chair
c. 12+ years’ experience
General role and responsibilities
- Act as a sounding board to the Board and Senior Managers on Plc governance
- Ensure that the Chairman, Executive Director and Non-executive Directors have high quality information to enable them to discharge their responsibilities and operate effectively
- Stay up to date on UK governance regulations and related developments affecting Board and Committee priorities, activities, conduct and composition, including related to Audit & Risk, Nominations and Remuneration Committees
- Monitoring company secretarial developments and acting as a source of guidance and input into the development of company secretarial practices and provide advice on the business impact of company secretarial issues
- Ensure policies, standards and committee Terms of Reference for which this role is responsible are appropriate, effectively communicated, continuously reviewed and updated to reflect internal/external change
- Take the lead on legal entity management within relevant area of accountability, including assisting in/promoting a proper chain of delegated authorities, maintenance of fit for purpose statutory documents and records, etc
- Leading, coaching, motivating and developing a professional team to establish and maintain the highest governance and secretarial standards, expertise and service to key stakeholders
Experience and qualifications
- Fellow/Associate of the Chartered Governance Institute (FCG/ACG) or legal qualification with appropriate practical experience
- Experience of dealing at senior management and executive level and meeting their expectations
- Proven ability to manage a portfolio of major projects, negotiations and relationships with third parties and external advisers
- Proven ability in people management
- Significant knowledge of company law and administration and corporate governance
- Good working knowledge of the regulatory environment and industry development s relevant to own area of responsibility
- Familiarity with the relevant departmental and company-wide policies and procedures
- Additional tasks that may be relevant depending on sector
- Provide high quality support and advice on Listing Rules, incentive and all-employee share schemes and shareholder relations activity
- As appropriate, to develop and manage the Company’s retail shareholder strategy, the Registrar and all shareholder meetings
- Supporting new business initiatives, capital raising, M&A and other transactional activity, through the provision of effective company secretarial advice
- Ensuring effective and embedded risk management is a key responsibility for all senior managers
- Leading the drafting, implementation, training, audit and review of other company secretarial policies and procedures ensuring compliance with legislation, particularly in relation to the Market Abuse Regulation, Anti-Bribery & Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering as required