Asia In-house legal, risk, and compliance salary guide 2024-2025.

In 2024, the recruitment landscape was characterized by a slow but steady growth in a global economic environment shaped by geopolitical tensions, technological shifts and inflationary pressures. Although there was a reduction in roles from the previous year, the job market remained strong with recruitment driven by Asian and Regional-head quartered companies, banks, and financial institutions.
Looking ahead into 2025, employers are taking a cautious approach to recruitment given global headwinds and slower growth.
What’s included in the report?
- In-house Legal, Risk Management and Compliance market outlook for 2024 and beyond for Singapore, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and North Asia
- In-house Legal Counsel salaries (NQ to 15+ years PQE)
- Risk Management salaries (0 to 15+ years) and Compliance salaries (Officer/Analyst to Head of/Director)
- Salary data for General Counsel (GC), Company Secretary, Chief Risk Officer (CRO), Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), and Legal Support
We hope you find our report useful. As always with our salary guides, there will be outliers at either end of the salary bands due to the vast number of companies from which we have collected data. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our team if you require bespoke salary advice, benchmarking data, or market information for you or your team.
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