My #TaylorRootJourney – one year on!

“It’s the remix to ignition, coronavirus edition. I miss all my friends, and can’t get out of the kitchen.”
The above musical rendition is something I firmly believe a majority of the world’s population uttered at one point or another following the unprecedented global crisis known as the pandemic. Like so many others, I too was economically affected. It is a stark reminder that, perhaps we often take things for granted. Nonetheless, where there are obstacles – there are an equal amount of possibilities.
What a difference a year makes
I have recently celebrated my one-year anniversary as a member of the Taylor Root team! I am resoundingly proud of what our team has accomplished during the crisis and genuinely believe that we are more capable than ever of pushing forward and scaling new heights.
Celebrating this momentous occasion is a bit of a personal milestone, which I would not have achieved without the assistance of my colleagues: these incredibly talented people are nothing short of a world class team and genuinely the best at what they do. Starting a new position for any professional across the globe is both a highly stressful and immensely rewarding experience.
Regardless of your current professional status, it is crucial to continually put yourself out there and evolve.
How can we do this?
Networking. Networking Networking! This is not only key to your professional growth but ensures that you are up to date on current market trends and insights. DO NOT SLACK ON THIS. Make an effort to update your LinkedIn at least once a month, if not weekly. Aim to attend webinars and industry events several times a year.
By doing this, you are constantly making yourself both available and appealing to potentially worldwide markets. Due to recent events, many professionals have either been forced to work from home or have embraced their new roles as a remote specialist. Despite the limited face-to-face connections, there is a debate to be had that we all are now better linked to one another, thanks in no small part to social media and growing communication technology. At Taylor Root I feel we do this particularly well and it has certainly allowed me connect more with my colleagues outside of the UK in a way that would have not been possible before. We have seen many colleagues mobilise at the SR Group and move to other countries because of this connection and insight into other colleagues lives internationally.
It is so easy to get sucked into the everyday of work and not stay connected to your industry and the people within it. Always remember to continue to build your professional network whilst also developing your own brand. This is important for several reasons:
- You’ll meet new like-minded people
- It keeps your mind sharp as you fine tune your professional footprint
- You will be exposed to new workshops or programs beneficial to your profession
- You can find potential new opportunities
Like networking, communication is vital – none more so than with your immediate team. These include having an open-door policy with your superiors. Job satisfaction lies on the premise that you are continually being challenged but are simultaneously enjoying the pressure put on you without it being too stressful on your personal life or mental health.

What to do when times seem hard
There are times however, when we feel stagnant or even underused. Should you feel this way, it is imperative that you speak with your manager. Should nothing arise from this initial conversation after a couple of months, it might potentially be in your best interest to search for alternative options which may tick the boxes you are looking for. You have to remember that despite company loyalty, your overall job satisfaction and economic safety come first. This is another thing that lockdown has taught most of us.
It is completely understandable to be unwilling to risk it all. The leap is terrifying and often not guaranteed. Nonetheless, the greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one. Why constantly walk on eggshells? In doing so, you would be setting yourself multiple steps back before you even begin. I am so pleased that I backed myself to make a move and have landed in a business that I can really thrive.
This article is designed to share my story, with the hope that it may potentially inspire others to fight just a little harder and consider a change when you think you need it. Sometimes, all we ever need to succeed is faith. All I needed to develop further on my career was a little push. This is my own contribution in the hopes that it steers you in the right direction.
We all need the right platform in which is grow and prosper and all of this has inevitably led me to my current position as a Director at Taylor Root. With a network of international offices across the globe I am cautiously optimistic that this road I currently tread offers the potential of an incredible adventure. My door is always open in a judgement free zone. I am keen on fostering a safe, collaborative community and would absolutely appreciate hearing your thoughts.
To share your thoughts with Sinead, or to discuss the current market and your career, please reach out by emailing: