Private practice newly qualified guide | UK

Private practice newly qualified guide
At Taylor Root, we believe that what you decide to do upon graduation is the single most important career decision you will ever make – and we’ve created our Private practice newly qualified guide with you in mind. This brochure is designed to support and guide you in this decision-making process.
We are a market-leading recruiter of newly qualified lawyers, helping law firms and businesses in every sector of every size to find bright new talent. We have a proven track record of helping newly qualified lawyers (NQs) find roles upon qualification and providing consultative advice during the recruitment process. Our goal is to build a long-term relationship and provide guidance and market insight throughout your career.
Perhaps you are looking to make a significant step up in terms of salary; the practice area you have chosen is much better regarded at a different firm; you want more international work; or maybe you want a better work-life balance? Whatever your preference, there will be relevant opportunities available to you in London which we will be happy to discuss and help you make the right career move.
Our guide provides insights into benefits and guidance of branching into the private practice sector:
- Our five top tips for your search
- How Taylor Root can help you
- Internal and external recruitment timelines
- How to structure your CV, including a CV template and our useful tips
- The London, Birmingham and Irish legal recruitment markets
- Salary information
- Why you should work with a specialist legal recruitment consultancy
Looking to hire an in-house role?
Are you considering a move in-house? Our Taylor Root in-house legal experts have produced a guide that provides insights into benefits and challenges of an in-house role. Available to download.