Taylor Root celebrate 30 years of success

September marks an exceptional time for Taylor Root. Not only has it been their most successful month ever but they are celebrating their 30th Anniversary!
Nick Root our Founding partner joined in with the celebrations with Taylor Root:
“30 years young! Great to come back and celebrate Taylor Roots 30th birthday.
I am delighted the firm continues to thrive all around the world and continues to hire superb, professional, business-minded people who are fun, kind and good-hearted. It’s a rare combination. Long may that be the case. You are only ever as good as your people and Taylor Root has great people.
I am very proud of all of you.” –Nick Root
Let’s hear from our Senior Partner Julian:
“Being part of Taylor Root for over 16 years has been an exceptional journey which has seen unprecedented success and continued global growth. Such significant change can often bring a shift in culture and a loss of corporate identity – this is certainly not the case at TR!
We continue to drive and respect our core values, maintaining a collaborative and friendly working environment. We embrace the changes that have occurred and continue to occur in the workplace, ensuring we are always one step ahead!
It’s a privilege to be part of Taylor Root and to work with such a broad range of talented people, across the world. Here’s to the next 30 years! – Julian Stone